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  1. **设备选型与配置**:根据考场大小、建筑结构及信号覆盖需求,缘通租赁精心挑选了多款高效能手机屏蔽仪,确保在不影响正常通讯设备的前提下,全面屏蔽考场内的手机信号。

  2. **现场部署与调试**:租赁合同签订后,缘通租赁的专业技术团队迅速响应,提前一天到达学校,对考场进行了细致的勘察与规划,随后高效完成了设备的安装、调试与信号测试,确保每一台设备都能达到最佳工作状态。

  3. **培训与指导**:为了确保学校工作人员能够熟练操作设备,缘通租赁还提供了现场培训服务,详细讲解了设备的使用方法及注意事项,并留下了紧急联系方式,以便随时解决可能出现的问题。








  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Loudi City, Hunan Province**

  In todays rapidly evolving society, ensuring information security and maintaining order during conferences, exams, and sensitive events has become increasingly crucial. Recently, a prestigious high school in Loudi City, Hunan Province, confronted a significant challenge during the preparation for a crucial college entrance exam simulation. To guarantee fairness and seriousness in the exam environment, the school chose to collaborate with Yuantong Leasing, renting mobile phone signal blockers to safeguard the exams. Below, we will share this successful case in detail, showcasing how Yuantong Leasings professional and efficient short-term rental services supported the clients success.

  **Background & Challenge**:

  With the widespread use of smartphones, cheating methods during exams have become more concealed and diverse. The high school in Loudi was well aware that during the mock college entrance exam, strict control over mobile phone signals both inside and outside the exam rooms was imperative to prevent any form of cheating. However, the school lacked the financial resources and maintenance capabilities to purchase a large number of professional signal blockers. Consequently, finding a reliable rental service provider became a top priority.

  **Yuantong Leasings Intervention & Solution**:

  After extensive comparisons and considerations, the school chose Yuantong Leasing as its partner. Yuantong Leasing, with its rich industry experience, high-quality equipment, and flexible rental solutions, quickly gained the schools trust. Tailored services provided for this need included:

  1. **Equipment Selection & Configuration**: Based on the exam room sizes, building structures, and signal coverage requirements, Yuantong Leasing carefully selected multiple high-performance signal blockers to ensure comprehensive coverage while minimizing interference with normal communication devices.

  2. **On-site Deployment & Debugging**: Following the contract signing, Yuantong Leasings professional technical team promptly arrived at the school a day ahead of the exam, conducting detailed inspections and planning. They


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